My blog is about my fashion, opinions on certain touchy subjects, the 90's , and anything I'm into. On this blog, you'll learn things about me that you never even knew or expected me to be into.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Updated Future Piercings
Hello! This week I decided to update you guys on future piercings i'm interested in getting! Some will be some i'm considering on getting, but might not get, some are for sure. Enjoy!
1. Vertical Labret This piercing goes through the the bottom of your lip. It DOES NOT go inside your mouth, therefore it doesn't ruin your teeth or gums like a regular lip piercing normally would. I already had this piercing, but the person who did it didn't put it in the right spot, so I plan to get it re-pierced when i turn 18. It's difficult to eat with forks and you must drink out of straws. At first, it is slightly uncomfortable, but you get used to it. Your lips get chapped 10x more easily than normal and you cant kiss anyone until it's healed, or if you cant do that, clean it immediately after you kiss someone. It's best to use H2O ocean spray. This piercing heals nicely, and when or if you decide to take it out, the bottom scars but not the top. Keep in mind this is a surface piercing, so it has a higher rejection rate. (look it up if you don't know about piercing rejection).
2. Cheek or Dimple Piercings
These particular piercings are hard to take care of, so they definitely ARE NOT beginner piercings. You clean them by washing your mouth out with mouth wash after you eat or smoke. (though, I DO NOT reccomend smoking with these piercings, as it is more likely to get infected). If you already have dimples, they will make your dimples deeper over time, and if you don't have dimples when you get them, they will create dimples over time as well. I plan on getting them for my 18th birthday also. (picture to the left)
3. Double Nostril The next piercing I want to get is the double nostril piercing (or nose piercing, depending on what you'd like to call it). The double nostril piercing is basically just having both sides of your nose pierced. I already have my left side, so all I need done is my right side, which I plan on doing ALSO for my 18th birthday. (picture to the right)
4. Hip Dermals
There are many variations of hip dermals. You can get shapes, just one of each side, two on each side, or 3, or 3 on one side, dermals that go on a certain part of your tattoo, e.t.c. Dermals are a bit different from piercings; they go underneath the surface of your skin so they dont come out from the other side. I personally want to get two dermals on each side of my hip. (picture to left)
5. Star Belly Button Piercing
This particular piercing has different variations to it as well. It's kind of hard to explain, so i'll just show you a picture. (picture to the left)
6. Collarbone Piercings
This piercing is just like the hip dermals, only they're on your collarbones! What I had wanted to do was have 2 dermals on each collarbone....just like my hips. My mom actually just recently got them done, except she has one on each side. (picture on right)
7. Back Dermals
This particular piercing you usually get if you have back dimples just above your butt like a lot of people do. I don't have back dimples, but I was thinking about getting them done anyways because they're just so cute! All dermals take 1-3 months to heal. You usually take care of them by using H2O Ocean Spray, or by using the sea salt solution. The sea salt solution you use for almost every piercing you get. What you do is you take 1/4 teaspoon of non-iodized sea salt and mix it in with warm water the carefully put the cup up to whatever piercing you get. it's a lot more tricky when it comes to belly button piercings or dermals, but you just carefully flip the cup upside down so your piercing is inside of the cup, then you swish it around for up to 15 minutes. You do this 2-3 times a day. (picture to the left)
8. Philtrum (otherwise known as a Medusa) This piercing I think is super cute if it's by itself or if there's not a lot of other piercings on your face that clash with it, but then again, everybody wears piercings differently; some may look good with it, some may not. If I were to get this piercing I would have to take another piercing on my face out and get a stud similar to the one in the picture, so this isn't a for sure thing for me. My friend, Abbie, on the other hand, is for sure going to get this piercing and I personally think she can pull it off! (Picture to the left. Its the thing just above the lip)
10. Tongue piercings (snake eyes, venom bites, or traditional) Now, this piercing you can get in many different ways. You can get snake eyes, which means they put a bar through the tip of the tongue horizontally(picture to left), but the bar wouldn't show, only the balls. The other version you could get are Venom Bites. Venom Bites are just two tongue piercings vertically (like normal) right next to eachother(picture to the right). There's a couple other types that I can't think of, but those are just the other two I was deciding between (besides the traditional tongue piercing). Now I will go ahead and show you some pictures.
11. Horizontal Labret Piercing The horizontal labret piercing is actually quite interesting. It's just like the vertical labret, except horizontal! The down side with this is that it is a surface piercing, so there is a super high rejection rate. This one i've been considering getting this instead of the vertical labrey because of it's uniqueness and simplicity. I would imagine taking care of it would be the same way you take care of a vertical labret piercing. (picture to right)
Cheek/Dimple Piercing video
Those are all the piercings I want or am thinking about getting on my face and body. It seems like a lot, but honestly, you wont be able to see a lot of them unless I were to go swimming or flash my tongue everywhere I go. There are a lot of different types of ear piercings I plan to get, but I decided to do an entirely seperate blog dedicated to those. If you'd like to learn more about these piercings, feel free to look them up!
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