My blog is about my fashion, opinions on certain touchy subjects, the 90's , and anything I'm into. On this blog, you'll learn things about me that you never even knew or expected me to be into.
Last week I did my blog on future body and face piercing I would like to get, and this week I'm doing y blog on all of the ear piercings I want since there are so many. I may not be able to find pictures or names for some, but i'll try my best. Lets get started!
1. Industrial/Reverse Industrial Piercing
The industrial piercing goes through the top of your ear horizontally, and the reverse industrial piercing goes through the top of your ear, then goes all the way down and through your conch vertically. My friend that goes to the same school as I go to (Mr. Elkin, you'll know who i'm talking about) has the reverse industrial piercing, and her name is Allie Brown. Obviously the piercing does hurt and, even after it is healed, get irritated easily by sleeping on it or changing the bar or anything that involves moving your ear. How do you take care of these industrial piercings? Well, after you get it pierced, you should be extremely careful and do your best in cleaning the pierced area. This means, before you touch the piercing, you ALWAYS clean your hands with hot water and antibacterial soap. (same goes for any piercing you will ever get; NEVER touch them with dirty hands) Next, lean your head under the faucet and run warm water on your ear for 30 seconds. This allows the skin and the crusted areas to loosen up around the piercing. Next, you'll want to lather up your hands with the antibacterial soap and warm water then lightly rub the metal rod with your'll also want to put the soap on the pierced holes for 3 minutes. After this is done, rinse your ear off then lightly pat it dry with a towel. Another way to clean it is to fill a bowl with 1 cup of water and 1/4 teaspoon of salt and mix it, then dip a gauze pad in it and clean your ear with it. do this one or 2 times a day. Remember to not change the jewlery for 3 weeks and try to avoid wearing hats or anything that could irritate the piercing. NEVER use rubbing alcohol to clean any piercing. This will cause the piercing hole to heal improperly and the holes would then close up right away if you were to ever take the piercing out. I plan to get the industrial on my left ear.
2. Triple Forward Helix It's kind of hard to explain this piercing, so i'll just show you a picture. I plan to get this on my left and on my right ear, i want to get a double forward helix. You take care of it the same as any other piercing. Theres also the double helix, which is the same thing, but there's only two instead of three. Remember, there's many different variations to all of these piercings I am showing you. (picture to the right with the blue studs)
3. Tragus piercing Once again, this piercing is hard to explain (most of them will be), but I plan to get the tragus piercing on both ears. You can either get one or two on the tragus. The only issue with the tragus piercing is that you can't wear headphones for a really long time and it can get irritated easily. (picture to left)
4. The Rook Piercing
This piercing I plan on getting on my left ear. (picture to right)
5. Daith Piercing
This piercing I would get on my right ear. (picture to left)
6. Artistic Cartilage Piercing For my cartilage piercing on my right ear, I want it to be something pretty cool. There are many interesting ways to pierce your cartilage, but I can't seem to decide between two. When I was in 8th grade, I was stupid and had my friend pierce my cartilage, It was perfectly straight and in the right spot, I just didn't take care of it well and decided to take it out. Now there's a scar on the back, but it's not super noticeable. (pictures to right and left)
7. Triple Conch Piercing The conch is on the inner part of your ear. I would imagine it would be extremely painful to get pierced since it's really thick cartilage, but it might be worth it. You can get really awesome looking jewlery for the triple conch. I plan to get this done on both ears. (picture to left)
Some more ear piercings I want on both ears are just the normal ear lobe piercings. i plan to have two or three on each side. All of these piercings will probably be super painful, but worth it in the end.
Hello! This week I decided to update you guys on future piercings i'm interested in getting! Some will be some i'm considering on getting, but might not get, some are for sure. Enjoy!
1. Vertical Labret This piercing goes through the the bottom of your lip. It DOES NOT go inside your mouth, therefore it doesn't ruin your teeth or gums like a regular lip piercing normally would. I already had this piercing, but the person who did it didn't put it in the right spot, so I plan to get it re-pierced when i turn 18. It's difficult to eat with forks and you must drink out of straws. At first, it is slightly uncomfortable, but you get used to it. Your lips get chapped 10x more easily than normal and you cant kiss anyone until it's healed, or if you cant do that, clean it immediately after you kiss someone. It's best to use H2O ocean spray. This piercing heals nicely, and when or if you decide to take it out, the bottom scars but not the top. Keep in mind this is a surface piercing, so it has a higher rejection rate. (look it up if you don't know about piercing rejection).
2. Cheek or Dimple Piercings
These particular piercings are hard to take care of, so they definitely ARE NOT beginner piercings. You clean them by washing your mouth out with mouth wash after you eat or smoke. (though, I DO NOT reccomend smoking with these piercings, as it is more likely to get infected). If you already have dimples, they will make your dimples deeper over time, and if you don't have dimples when you get them, they will create dimples over time as well. I plan on getting them for my 18th birthday also. (picture to the left)
3. Double Nostril The next piercing I want to get is the double nostril piercing (or nose piercing, depending on what you'd like to call it). The double nostril piercing is basically just having both sides of your nose pierced. I already have my left side, so all I need done is my right side, which I plan on doing ALSO for my 18th birthday. (picture to the right)
4. Hip Dermals
There are many variations of hip dermals. You can get shapes, just one of each side, two on each side, or 3, or 3 on one side, dermals that go on a certain part of your tattoo, e.t.c. Dermals are a bit different from piercings; they go underneath the surface of your skin so they dont come out from the other side. I personally want to get two dermals on each side of my hip. (picture to left)
5. Star Belly Button Piercing
This particular piercing has different variations to it as well. It's kind of hard to explain, so i'll just show you a picture. (picture to the left)
6. Collarbone Piercings
This piercing is just like the hip dermals, only they're on your collarbones! What I had wanted to do was have 2 dermals on each collarbone....just like my hips. My mom actually just recently got them done, except she has one on each side. (picture on right)
7. Back Dermals
This particular piercing you usually get if you have back dimples just above your butt like a lot of people do. I don't have back dimples, but I was thinking about getting them done anyways because they're just so cute! All dermals take 1-3 months to heal. You usually take care of them by using H2O Ocean Spray, or by using the sea salt solution. The sea salt solution you use for almost every piercing you get. What you do is you take 1/4 teaspoon of non-iodized sea salt and mix it in with warm water the carefully put the cup up to whatever piercing you get. it's a lot more tricky when it comes to belly button piercings or dermals, but you just carefully flip the cup upside down so your piercing is inside of the cup, then you swish it around for up to 15 minutes. You do this 2-3 times a day. (picture to the left)
8. Philtrum (otherwise known as a Medusa) This piercing I think is super cute if it's by itself or if there's not a lot of other piercings on your face that clash with it, but then again, everybody wears piercings differently; some may look good with it, some may not. If I were to get this piercing I would have to take another piercing on my face out and get a stud similar to the one in the picture, so this isn't a for sure thing for me. My friend, Abbie, on the other hand, is for sure going to get this piercing and I personally think she can pull it off! (Picture to the left. Its the thing just above the lip)
10. Tongue piercings (snake eyes, venom bites, or traditional) Now, this piercing you can get in many different ways. You can get snake eyes, which means they put a bar through the tip of the tongue horizontally(picture to left), but the bar wouldn't show, only the balls. The other version you could get are Venom Bites. Venom Bites are just two tongue piercings vertically (like normal) right next to eachother(picture to the right). There's a couple other types that I can't think of, but those are just the other two I was deciding between (besides the traditional tongue piercing). Now I will go ahead and show you some pictures.
11. Horizontal Labret Piercing The horizontal labret piercing is actually quite interesting. It's just like the vertical labret, except horizontal! The down side with this is that it is a surface piercing, so there is a super high rejection rate. This one i've been considering getting this instead of the vertical labrey because of it's uniqueness and simplicity. I would imagine taking care of it would be the same way you take care of a vertical labret piercing. (picture to right)
Cheek/Dimple Piercing video
Those are all the piercings I want or am thinking about getting on my face and body. It seems like a lot, but honestly, you wont be able to see a lot of them unless I were to go swimming or flash my tongue everywhere I go. There are a lot of different types of ear piercings I plan to get, but I decided to do an entirely seperate blog dedicated to those. If you'd like to learn more about these piercings, feel free to look them up!
1. The first website I wanted to talk about was ( Deandri has wonderful, but expensive clothing and accessories. They have sets that go up to $100, as well has harnesses, bibs and collars to wear. What's a harness? Well, one type of harness is on the model's chest in the picture, but there all all types. There are some that go over your entire body, some that are made specifically to go around the collar of your shirt, some for your waist down to your legs, etc. A collar is just another name for a choker, but if you still don't know what i'm talking about, ill show you (top left corner of page).
2. My second favorite online store is, of course, ( I have talked about this online store so many times before on my blog, but I'll tell you what they have anyways. Dollskill has many different types of clothing that fits all different types of alternative styles. They have shoes, necklaces, backpacks, hair accessories, clothing, anything you can think of, they have. I must say though, most of their stuff is expensive, but worth it.
3. My third favorite store is ( Their store is a little odd, but they do have funny, yet inappropriate, sayings on their shirts. Miley Cyrus wears a lot of their clothing and Dollskill has some of their clothing on their shop as well. An example of some of the shirts they have is on the right.
4. My fourth favorite store is ( Etsy has EVERYTHING. Basically, there are a bunch of small shops run by one idivisual that makes things by hand or has clothes they dont want. You can create an account and sell stuff yourself or follow shops and buy stuff off of those shops.
5. For my final favorite shop, I am going to tell you about ( Kittens play pen is for people who love to dress up like cats, as well as for people who are into kitten play, which is basically the same thing. Kitten play is a form of BDSM, but i'll tell you guys more about it in a different blog. Kittens play pen has tails, ears, collars, leashes, gags, etc. you can make custom collars, ears, or tails. (everything on this site except for charms are handmade.)
1. Qozmo lo Rainbow Platform Sneakers.
I like these because they're high and RAINBOWWWW! They are also holographic, and I do love holographic things. These majestic shoes cost $106.00 on (4" heel, 3" platform)
2. Double Stacked Leather Viva Mondo
First off, let me just say that these shoes are bad-ass in every way. These shoes cost $135.00 regular price, but are now on sale for $107.90. You can find these on as well. (3.75")
3. Qozmo Sky Platforms
I really like these platforms because they're simple, yet crazy at the same time. They go with many things. The only down side would be that they get dirty easily. They cost $135.00 on (they come in black and black with sparkles as well). These are 6" in the back and 5" in the front.
4. Crushed Velvet Mondo Creepers
I love these creepers because of the pretty ballet pink color, as well as the velvet texture. These cost $83.00 on (1.75")
5. Pretty Pink Paint Bucket Hello Kitty Creepers
I think these creepers are rad as heck because of they're holographic and, well, who doesn't like Hello Kitty?! These cost $115.00 on and measures 1 3/4" tall with a 1 5/8" toe.
6. Viola Spiked Wedges
Now, I personally wouldn't buy these shoes or wear them myself, but i do think they look totally awesome. I LOVE the spiked details. I would imagine that these are extremely difficult to walk in and most definitely are not comfortable. These crazy wedges cost $149.00 and have a 6" heel and a 2" platform.
7. Swan Platform
I love these particular shoes because the heel opens up and you can stick whatever you want inside of them for people to see. I also love that they're simple and are 'ballet-like'. These cost $140.00 on and have a 3" heel.
8. Rainbow Metallic Viva Mondo
These awesome creepers are rad simply because of the color. They cost $120.00 regular price, but are on sale for $95.90 on They have a 2" platform.
9. Qloud Clear Vinyl Kreep
I absolutely adore these particular creepers because they're basically all translucent. You can also put whatever you like inside of the heel. These lovely shoes cost $126.00 on and have a 2" platform and a 3" heel.
10. Gumball Jelly Sandal
These cute little baby's aren't crazy, but they're pretty cute and simple. I've always wanted a pair, but could never find them on any site. They do come in different styles and colors, but on, they come in blue, clear, white, and pink. These cost $40.00.
Those are all of the "crazy" shoes i have for you guys! If your style is like mine and you love these shoes, then go to because they have amazingly rad things.
Recently, I've been putting a lot of thought into modeling, an alternative or site model, to be more specific. Mainly because i'm not "normal" enough to be a model or super model, not to mention the fact that it would be more difficult to start a super modeling career. I don't mean to say that becoming a site or alternative model would be easy, either, because it isn't. Site modeling is a great option because you can still do other stuff on the side. I would like to do that as well as have a job as a vet.
Fashion, alternative fashion to be more specific, has become a huge thing for me this past year. It's just really interesting to me! Personally, I would much rather have lived through the 90's because there were crazy things happening with fashion. Also, things were a lot cheaper, but on the other hand, that was only because people weren't making as much as we do now. I tried looking up ways to become a site or alternative model, but I had difficulty obtaining that information. The thing that would be the most difficult is putting yourself out there. This is more difficult for an alternative or site model because you don't get attention from the media, which is because you're not modeling high-end brands.
My favorite model (more like obsession) is Teale Coco. She's a site model, designer and photographer. She also happens to have her own business online making interesting clothes (everything she's wearing in these photos above she created). Some other favorite models I have are alternative models, Candice Alice and Airica Michelle. They both have seperate jobs. Airica Michelle works at place called Distractions in Huntington Beach, and Candice Alice is a hair dresser!! They both happen to be really good friends. Can dice is the one with orangy hair and Airica is the one with the more colorful hair. That is all for now! next week I will be doing my blog on Airica Michelle.
Hello world, I am sad. I've been feeling extremely overwhelmed and i'm starting to feel hopeless. I was so sure everything was going to be okay and eventually go my way for 3 months, mainly because everything WAS going my way. I had a lovely boyfriend, who I adored very much and fell head over heals for. I could've done things differently, yes, but I did give my all and actually tried in this relationship. We broke up last Friday. I already knew the night before, so I got my crying over with, thank god! I'm content with everything that had happened, but I keep thinking back to some good times and they always end up leading to him. I am bisexual, which is a good thing because right now I hate boys so much! I am starting to like a girl. She goes to my school and likes me back...she's gorgeous. My best friend, Abbie, recently broke up with her boyfriend of 2&1/2 years!!!!!! So basically her entire high school experience so far was with him. She's always had a huge thing for him. She is destroyed, I can tell. I feel so bad and helpless. I'm terrible at helping people and giving advice. Everything does happen for a reason, though. Another thing that has me overwhelmed is, you guessed it, SCHOOL. Friken school. JKFLDJASGFKLDHJASKFJ. I have an enormous amount of hatred for school. School is the root of most of my problems. Math (geometry, to be more specific) has become extremely difficult for me to understand. I personally dislike my teacher because I do not get her way of teaching; it's so confusing! I just want my old algebra teacher back. She's the best math teacher I have ever had! She's the reason why I am so good at algebra. I'm so nervous that I wont be able to get into the school I want to get into, or be what I want to be because of my grades! I have said this many times before, but it is true. Things that have changed recently: I'm on independent study for Chemistry and i'm doing much better. I am going to be doing a vet tech internship senior year. I have applied for work experience, meaning I am able to drop my electives and leave 6th period everyday and work more hours. I am going to be taking an online English 10 course during the summer to make up for English credits I didn't get my Sophomore year because I failed the first semester. Two things i'm nervous about: Talking to my grandparents about emancipation(i'll get more into detail later) and talking to them about moving to Forest Chartermy senior year. I have been wanting to go to Forest Charter since 8th grade, but my grandparents never let me because they do not believe I have the work ethic, which is true. But, I know that if I transfer to Forest Charter, I will have much improved work ethic and better grades. The way Forest Charter is works better for me because I learn differently than most. They indivisualize a program suited for my needs and the way I learn. They also get me a teacher I would meet with once a month (with my grand parents) to check up on me and see how i'm doing. Forest Charter is a much better option for me, and I need my family to understand that. If I don't go to Forest, I will not be able to graduate high school. The graduation requirements, homework, and amount of homework is too much stress for me, I will crack. Now, let me tell you about the "emancipation plan". My plan was to talk to my grandparents about me getting emancipated because I can not stand to live at home, i'm too sad and depressed and I feel so isolated from everything and everyone. I feel like i'm being too sheltered from the world and it's causing me to rebel. I know they love me and want the best for me, but it's not a good environment for me to grow up in or to live in. There's too much yelling and arguing, and my grandpa is too close-minded and short-tempered. My grandma is more sympathetic, but she still is short-tempered and close-minded. They say I can talk to them about anything, but when I do I either get yelled at, or they take it personally and make it all about them. While the emancipation process is happening, Dominique, my other best friend, and I plan to get an apartment with a responsible, working, 18 year old who has a car and who we trust enough to live with. We have already started looking at apartments, but i'm scared it wont work out and i'll be miserable for another two years. It'll get to the point where I will purposely get myself kicked out of the house. That is all for now, thank you for reading, I will do something more uplifting next Wednesday.
Dolls Kill is one of my absolute favorite websites! Their items are a little bit on the pricey side, but they're definitely worth it if you're into the things they have. Every time I go on their website, I want to cry because I just want everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, on there. Their shoes are definitely my favorite. All of their items on their website are by multiple brands. The platforms are mostly made by Y.R.U., like these pink Ballet Bae shoes located on the top left corner of this page. They have these shoes in White, Black and Pink. I want every single color because why not?! I think the pink are feminine and fun, the black are bad ass, and the white are blinding in a way. They cost $135 on their website. I love platforms because then I feel tall for once (I'm barely 5'2")...these shoes would probably make me average height, so 5'6" or so. Below, I will try to show you my top five favorite items on their site and the price, but that's going to be a difficult task considering I want everything. The link for their website is located here, just click on it!--->
1) Black Sorcery Bodycon Dress-$76.00
2) The Apocalypto Crop Top-$68.00 (The model happens to be Teale Coco, whom I talked about in my previous blog)
I decided that for this week's blog, I would write about Teale coco the model and brand. Teale Coco is a self-titled brand owner, designer, international model, photographer and entrepreneur. First, she completed her bachelor degree in photography (major commercial, minor fashion), then she moved into modeling internationally through her mother's agency 'Darley Management'. She is currently represented by 5 countries world wide and started her self titled fashion label at the end of 2013. In addition to being a site model, she also edits and shoots all of the 'Teale Coco' lookbooks and editorial images.Teale was influenced by occultism, bondage, anatomy, fantasy, horror, death and the subculture of body modification and fetish. Teale states, "I am looking to create unique, quality garments that specialize in exclusivity and empower the wearer. Elegant form fitting designs that cater to the underworld of dark, sensual, tailored garments that can be styled hundreds of ways. My designs are liberating, dominant statement pieces that are not defined by sex or body size.
I got all of this information from her website, .